Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Life in a Nutshell 02

Pretty interesting day.

Woke up at 7 to find that someone had charged my bank account for $80 in unauthorized purchases. I promptly went to the bank to cancel my card, then called the claims company to dispute the charge. So that's $80 bucks I won't see for a few weeks.

Went to lunch with some friends and listened intently as they had a spirited debate over the passing of the new Health Care Bill. Then I was unexpectedly told I would be working construction today. Fellow blogger Somewhere In the Silence took me to a house and we promptly began to take measurements of the kitchen.

Upon doing so, we took a hammer to the damn thing and kept at it for three hours. Here are some pictures of the whole process.

It was pretty therapeutic, to be honest. Got out a bunch of aggression I never knew I had. Even made some money today. All and all, it was eventful. So here I am, fresh out of the shower washing at least half a pound of dust, grime, and cement off my body. Tomorrow should be just as interesting.

Thanks Mr. Caesar Chavez!

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